Self Care is Revolutionary!: How to Stress Less & Take Care of Yourself During Times of Intensity #SelfCare


Self Care is Revolutionary!

“Amid all of the chaos in the world right now, it’s so important that everyone actively works to preserve their mental health so that we’re able to heal and create change.”

– Amandla Stenberg

Lately especially in my life but also socially, life has been rough. Between all the celebrity and musical deaths & then of course all the climate change, racism, sexism, and all the other isms, our crazy government and everything else that has been going on a daily bases forever.

I wanted to come on here and give you some tricks and tips on self care. I find that if you are going to be a revolutionary then you must take care of your spirit, mind, physical health and everything in between. Last year when I was heavily into the #noDAPL movement I got super into it and I would watch videos, audio, pictures, went to protest, and even traveled to Standing Rock yet during all of this I didn’t really have a good self care regiment to persevere my spirit & my mental health.

So here is my self care retinue that I have come up with since then so that I can function in these times of chaos.

Mediation & Spirituality:

I am a big advocate of having a spiritual practice & the value of mediation. To me being spiritually grounded is the best way to combat all of this negativity. I find mediation to be a really great way to clear your mind and give your mind a break from all the craziness going on in the world. Also prayer is an important way to keep you not feeling all the effects of this world. I have been fortune to have been able to grow up in a house hold that always taught me to have a spiritual practice and to always pray. I made a video on my YouTube channel where I do a nature mediation/affirmation which you should check out.


I have made many playlist with music to help through these hard times. I have playlist like one I made on Spotify which is my Rebel Chants! playlist which has all of my songs were I can turn these songs on when I feel like fighting. They hype me up and help me get my anger out but also help me to put what I’m feeling in to perspective. Other playlist I have are quiet beautiful songs that make me feel calm and happy & also my indigo and my meditation playlist for some spiritual tunes.

Go follow me on Spotify & Cymbal: icedog49    


Food can be so healing. Depending on the way you make, grow, eat your food you can bring a lot of healing into your life. Having intention with the way you handle food is power and medicine. Knowing how to grow your food & harvest food is power. Being able to cook food with love, good intention and prayer is power. The amount of food you eat, how you eat it & when you eat it is all power. I feel so alive when I go out and scavenge for food & medicine as I feel this deep connection with Mother Earth & that we are both feeding each other. So start a farm, garden, container garden, forage in your local woods (as long their not spraying chemicals on the plants) buy non-GMO and cook & eat slow with purpose.

Be Happy & Love: 

The biggest and best way to take care of yourself is through just being happy, having fun and enjoying life while spreading love. Love is the answer & showing that while just living your best life in the face adversity is a super powerful thing. Everyone should do this at all times and not allow this to stuff to get you down. I made a playlist on YouTube of People of Color & Indigenous artist just showing people having fun. Songs just showing our people just having a good time and being happy. I made this playlist after so many police killings of our people. Spread that LOVE like it’s your job! Yess!!!

Other Small Things You Can Do To Pamper Yourself:

  • DRINK WATER: One of my very good friends works for this really dope org in Berkley called the Ecology Center and him & his co-workers and the youth helped to pass a soda tax in the city a few years ago and also have made these dope campaign posters reminding people to drink more water. And it’s true folks if you do nothing else please stay hydrated it’s probably the most important thing in our lives and as we know we are made of water and water is life water is sacred and it’s important we honor the water inside of us and also the water found in nature. So in the all mighty words of Mista Drink More Water aka Dante: Drink More Water!
  • Drink Tea: Buy yourself a really dope mug & some really great tea like chamomile, green and jasmine.
  • Take A Bath: Now some people don’t like to take baths as they find them to be dirty and gross but to me it’s a time to soak all your troubles away and really just feel the warm water on your body. You can even put on some soft music, burn some candles, read a good book, and just chill.
  • Moisturize: After you have taken your bath it is important to come out and make sure your skin is beautiful and moisturized from your head to your toes. Put on some lotion or shea butter or coco oil and let it sink into your skin. Give yourself facial masks and foot scrubs. Make your skin feel smooth and easy to touch.
  • Wear Your Power: I wear a medicine bag which I have prayers, crystals, rocks, sage, tobacco and other stuff in there and I wear it everyday. It grounds me and it makes me feel connected to Mother Earth and also lets me know I am protected. Make your own medicine bag, wear your crystals around your neck or around your wrist or as earrings. Wear your protection and wear your power to keep you feeling whole.
  • Dress Your Best: This has nothing to do with size, shape or frame. Dress the best way you feel makes you feel comfortable but also look good and feel sexy. We all deserve to look our best as it will help us to feel happy about ourselves and who we are. And if your not happy with how you look then make small changes to fix that but find that beautiful dress that makes you feel really happy and put it on. Not going anywhere who cares when I get dressed in the morning and I look and feel good to myself then the rest of my day tends to go a lot better.
  • Journal/Write: So I write & I am writing this post write now. I also have journals which I try to write in when I get the chance. I have a regular journal and also a goal journal. I find it’s important to write down what your thinking because you have to get it out there. It’s therapeutic and very helpful.
  • Hangin/Communicating with Good Friends: Find your tribe. Find those friends or friend who is happy, healthy, loves you and wants only the best for you and vise versa. If your going through it let them know and go hang with them and just have fun.
  • Sleep: 8 hours of sleep is not a falsie. Sleep is something I cherish on levels and have since I was a kid. Sleep is so important to help you to even function at all.
  • Exercise: While you eat good you must also exercise. Get out and do something physical. Hike, bike, walk, run, swim, go to the gym, do yoga and be happy.
  • Sex: Ok remember now I am 25. Anyway if you have a partner or not sex can be a great way to get away from the stress & the hard times. We all need to feel some type of validation as a person and this is a way that can help you to feel that if you are with a person who loves and values you. Also remember spiritual sex is a thing and that part of your body is very sacred and should be treated as such. If treated with the respect it deserves then you can get a lot out of it.
  • Get off Social Media: While you are on your self care day or days get off social media. Take a day, two days, a week and just get off social media. Don’t check any of it and just do a cleanse. Social media can be great platforms but can also be very toxic & be a little too much. Remember the times before social media and cell phones when things were just a little bit more easy to process.
  • Affirmation Jar: Make an affirmation jar with kind words or phrases that you can look at and read everyday that will make you feel very good. It’s important to remind yourself you are beautiful or you are loved.
  • Go Out in Nature: Become one with Mother Earth. Take long walks, go visit a body of water, talk to the trees, watch the skies, commune with grandmother moon, commune with the animals and just be.



  • Dance!: I love to Dance! If you follow me on social media or have hung out with me at all then you know that. I find dancing to be an amazing way to release stress & just have fun.

Well there you have it folks some self care things you can do to get away from all the stress life can bring you. Check out this video of #blackgirlmagic that is Amandla Stenberg give you some simple self care exercises you can do just about anywhere you are if you have 5-10 mins.            

Till Next Time…Remember Self Care is Revolutionary!

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